Scalp Micropigmentation FAQs

Find more information about scalp micropigmentation. What you should know before and after the treatment, scalp micropigmentation FAQs, SMP equipment, and additional tips for enviable hair results!

You will have the appearance of a full head of hair. SMP is a technique which aims to replicate hair follicles on a bald area. Marc and Shiri will work with you to define the best look and work to achieve a realistic pattern and pigment coloration. A variety of ink colors and shades are used to accomplish amazing results for every client!

For example – If it’s a hairline tattoo, we must keep in mind that hairline change over time, with age, and we will work to replicate a hairline that emphasizes your best characteristics.

Scalp micropigmentation is a completely safe hair loss treatment for men and women. One of the reasons scalp micropigmentation is such a growing trend is because it is a completely safe way to restore the natural fullness of hair. As it is a non-invasive procedure conducted in medically sterile and approved environment, clients experience the best care.

Drugs (experimental or otherwise) and anesthetics, are not used during or afterwards, so clients can feel safe knowing that they will experience no allergic reactions, and overall, side effects are extremely rare.

If you are concerned about possible side effects like overly irritated scalp or extreme redness, make sure you ask your SMP practitioner to conduct a skin patch test. This will allow them to determine your scalp sensitivity before going forward, so the best technique for your treatment can be employed. Check out scalp micropigmentation before and after photos from recent clients.

You may be surprised to learn that Scalp MicroPigmentation treatments, especially when performed by expert practitioners like those at Scalp Ink Design, leave clients feeling very little pain. When the procedure is finished, you may experience some soreness and your scalp may appear slightly red or pink—sunburnt—but otherwise, in a few days the pigmented color will show up more effectively and you’ll appear to have a freshly shaved head.

This also means that continuing with your regular routines—unless in extreme conditions—is no problem. We also offer clients a protectant crème that helps with post-treatment recovery and, if the color appears lighter than you wanted, our practitioners’ “Reload Appointment” after 7-10 days, will have it darkened in no time.

Just when you thought Scalp MicroPigmentation couldn’t do it all, we’ve got another awesome piece of information to share: SMP can hide scars!

Yes, that’s right. You may have tried all kinds of treatments to get rid of nasty scalp scars and failed, but with SMP hair loss treatment, you can go back to looking like your old self—or even better—in no time at all.

Scalp Micropigmentation Miami shows before and after photos of SMP scar camouflage treatment - David Darrian - Hair Transplant Scars Hidden with Scalp Micropigmentation by Scalp Ink Design

While we have found that scalp scarring caused by accidents often lessens emotional anxiety, hair transplant scalp scars are a different story and can leave clients with a negative image regarding their appearance.

Many may feel the need to hide their scalps with hats, scarves, or other coverings, in order to feel as though they fit in and are publicly accepted image-wise. At Scalp Ink Design first and foremost we want our clients to feel special and well-taken care of, we want them to feel revitalized as they step out into the world and as such, we put our original technique to use in order to make sure each and every one of them gets the quality results they deserve.

Make sure that you speak with a scalp micropigmentation practitioner who is experienced with the techniques used and the procedure. As a prospective client, don’t be afraid to say exactly what you want and expect from your experience.

Additionally, ask any and all questions you have, as many times as you need to, in order to properly understand what’s about to happen to your scalp. In turn, the specialist will make sure that you are fully-equipped with all necessary information about SMP, and that you understand what you can expect on an individual level.

They achieve this by analyzing the area of your scalp which is in need of scalp micropigmentation hair loss treatment, after thoroughly mapping and measuring the area of your head to be treated. Going through this pre-treatment consultation, allows you and the specialist to discover the best way forward for your unique transformation.

In summary, don’t leave this to chance, practitioners only want the best for their clients and a way of doing that is to know exactly what they want, and for clients to know exactly what the specialist can do for them.

Many individuals who are interested in Scalp MicroPigmentation hair loss treatment, are very insecure with the way their hair looks. They feel embarrassed by bald spots and thinning hair and want something that will look natural and easy to maintain.

Often their social lives have been affected by this lack of confidence, and work, school, and other areas of life can suffer because of it as well.

Even if you are afraid of needles, you will soon realize that there is nothing to be concerned about when having scalp micropigmentation treatments. As the technique requires the use of a tiny electrical needle that contains the pigment which is applied to the skin, clients experience no pain.

Many clients who fear that because the process is similar to tattooing they will experience the same kind of pain or discomfort, are pleasantly surprised when they realize this is not the case. This is especially true for the SMP work we do here at Scalp Ink Design with our tinier, customized needles. Check out more stories from our recent clients on Facebook and Instagram.

In summary, just relax!

By now you’re probably starting to realize that there are only upsides to Scalp MicroPigmentation treatment, and while it may seem too good to be true, in the right hands this procedure can be a breeze. As the pigment takes up to a month to properly cure, watch as your scalp takes on the look of a full head of hair.

You will see a transformation right before your eyes and it will be one that everyone else will witness too. At Scalp Ink Design our clients have had great things to say about the responses they get from family, friends, and even people they don’t know. Often others can’t even tell it’s not their real hair. This is the kind of service Scalp Ink Design is proud of, and all SMP practitioners should deliver the same results.

When your procedure is completed and healed, experience the confidence boost that you’ve been waiting for.

Unlike many other hair loss treatment products and procedures, which need extended periods of time, or many follow-up treatments to achieve lackluster results, Scalp MicroPigmentation delivers amazing results immediately after pigment is applied to the skin. All it takes is one application and like magic, the follicles will begin to appear.

It doesn’t get any better than that!

One of the ways consultants ensure that the pigmented hair looks like real hair after the SMP procedure, is to correctly match pigments to the skin tone. Think about it, depending on race, skin tone, and so on, hair color varies, in the same way, SMP practitioners must be very meticulous in choosing the right pigment for each individual client. This pigment is one that is the absolute best match for the client’s existing hair follicles.

See why SMP consultations are so important? This is why you should be wary of practitioners who offer to do the procedure without first consulting with you, as it is possible that they are not as interested in your best results. Consultations can mean the difference between a shoddy SMP job, or top-class results like the kind we deliver at Scalp Ink Design. Take advantage of our FREE Consultations offered at Scalp Ink Design today.

Scalp Micropigmentation Before and After Photos

Put an end to worrying about hair loss issues like a receding hairline, bald spots, thinning hair, alopecia or scars.

Scalp micropigmentation adds density to your scalp to conceal hair loss. The 3 best rated benefits of SMP are Immediate Results, Low Maintenance and No Down-Time.

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  • Scalp Micropigmentation Miami shows before and after photos of SMP scar camouflage treatment - David
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  • Scalp Ink Design Team - Marc and Shiri Are Certified SMP Artists
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